8 Reasons buyers use BuyersHUB Property Advisory services

1) When they don't know how to value a property. 

They saw a property in Brisbane, for 700,000 and were ready to buy, then they saw another property very similar and asked only 550,000. Property values are not like biscuit values. It's whatever the Vendor is asking


2) When they are really frustrated dealing with real estate agents. 

I don't want to say much about real estate agents. Very charismatic, you will forget yourself and be confused you whether they are representing you or the seller. They will tell you a price, and when it comes to auction, it's sold for 100k more


3) Sick of missing out on property. 

They saw this beautiful house in Perth and within budget, but by the time you do due diligence and checked it had flood and bus fire, crime, etc., you took 7 days, and then you put in an offer, called the real estate agent and she is saying it's already under offer

Some houses in hot places where we are buying now are selling in 1 day


4) Confused with the entire process. Worried about legal issues, worried about making mistakes, or missing any important steps.


5) Based interstate, you want to buy in Brisbane, Perth Bundaberg, etc. but you're based in Melbourne


6) Concerned they are not seeing all the property


7) Some people prefer to outsource to an expert, 

Like tax file returns, we can file tax returns in ATo, 

and also court cases where you don't need a lawyer. 


Some people are very busy with day-to-day life and delaying the whole process while they are in the rat race, Life and time are going past very fast, in the meantime property prices have gone up in value for 50,000 and now with the same approval you can buy in the same suburb, THen you have to start looking into the neighboring cheaper suburbs


8) Decision making

Some people know everything, but they can't make decisions. They will see so many great properties and they pass it. When we show some properties, the buyers will say, "I saw this when I searched but I didn't see this opportunity.  It's like the red Ferrari car. You will never see a red Ferrari until you buy a car. Now you can see red Ferris everywhere


People pay money to me only for saying Yes. For a second opinion. For one Doctor recommended surgery. What will you do, you go to another doctor, pay the fees and take a second opinion. Because it is a matter of life and death


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We are committed to our clients, to provide long-term opportunities and financial stability. Using technology tools and the right software we bring the best value for money available to the client at that moment.